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Pres. Biden has found a new way to censor free speech – by giving the World Health Organization (WHO) control of Americans’ speech – Fox News Host Tucker Carlson warned on Thursday.

After dissolving his “Disinformation Governance Board, due to public outcry, Biden is preparing to sign WHO’s new World Pandemic Treaty, giving a global operational control and power – through ‘proactive countermeasures’ - to combat what it deems “disinformation,“ Carlson explained, citing a WHO working group's draft text:



So, what would this “operational control” mean?

Let’s be specific. Right off the bat, the treaty demands “national and global coordinated actions to address the misinformation, disinformation, and stigmatization that undermines public health.”

Oh! Here we go! Right to censorship: “People are criticizing us, and for public health reasons, that can't be allowed. If you criticize us, people will die.”

So, you saw yesterday that the Biden administration, in the face of universal laughter and derision, had to fire the head of its new Ministry of Truth - but they found another way to do it:

“W.H.O. Secretariat to build capacity to deploy proactive countermeasures against misinformation and social media attacks.”

“So, they are going to get to censor anybody who doesn't agree with what they do, as they control the intimate details of your life,” Carlson explained:

And they will control those details. Under this treaty, the World Health Organization will get to establish vaccine passports and regulate travel. World Health Organization will “develop standards for producing a digital version of the international certificate of vaccination and prophylactics.”


So you may think, “Well, it is just about COVID and I went along with mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports at the time, how bad could it be?” [LAUGHTER] First of all, if you went along with that, you should be repenting right about now. But, it is not just about COVID because the W.H.O. will be in charge of “the digitalization of all health forms.” The World Health Organization will also “share real-time information about travel measures.”

So you are going to find out exactly when you are allowed to get on a bus or train or airplane, or how about your bicycle, will they regulate that too? Maybe. Now the World Health Organization has sought this authority for years. Of course. Who doesn't want more power?”

Carlson then played a foreboding comment by W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu.

Here’s Tedros back in April of 2020:

“People in countries with stay-at-home orders are understandably frustrated with being confined to their homes for weeks on end. But the world will not and cannot go back to the way things were. There must be a new normal. A world that is healthier, safer, and better prepared.”

Americans should question relinquishing control over their lives to an unelected person and global authority they had no say in choosing, Carlson said:

Okay, so there’s a guy with a long and documented history of subverting public health, who is clearly a liar, who is acting as an agent for the Chinese government, and you have to ask yourself, “Did I vote for that guy? Is he one of my elected representatives in this democracy? How did he get power over where I can travel and when?”

Good question.

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Editor's Note: This piece was originally published on