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Hackers reportedly shut down fundraising site GiveSendGo temporarily after the Canadian Freedom Convoy raised millions of dollars on the platform. 

The site’s front page reportedly redirected to a mocking video from the movie Frozen 2 that accused the convoy of promoting “insurrection,” called GiveSendGo “a continuing threat to democracy” and supported the authoritarian Canadian government.

The Freedom Convoy of truckers and their supporters have been staging peaceful protests in Canada against draconian COVID-19 mandates imposed by the government. Hackers temporarily blocked the convoy’s fundraising page on GiveSendGo Monday, a page that had raised $8.6 million, according to the Daily

The hackers reportedly redirected the fundraising page to a video with a Frozen movie clip, claiming that the convoy was causing “insurrection” and was involved with “known extremists.” The hackers claim “to have stolen the list of donors who supported the Freedom Convoy demonstrations,” the Daily Mail reported. GiveSendGo remains down as of the publication of this article.

The strange message from the purported video slammed cryptocurrency and alleged that the convoy, or a similar convoy, could be a “Trojan Horse attack” for “extremists” to arrive “with weapons.” U.S. and European truckers reportedly announced plans to start their own convoys to protest COVID-19 restrictions that are costing jobs, and in some places, hurting already strained supply chains. The purported hacker video also claimed the democratic Freedom Convoy movement was a “threat to democracy.”

Canadian broadcaster and editor Dean Blundell tweeted a piece containing some names of the GiveSendGo donors to the Freedom Convoy. Blundell’s piece said of the convoy’s situation with law enforcement, “I think you might see some guy’s heads get freedom from their shoulders.” Blundell’s tweet has not been censored by Twitter as of the publishing of this piece, despite potential violation of Twitter’s personal information policy.

The purported hacker video also stated that “The data from this breach data will be provided in its entirety to researchers and journalists so that the impact of foreign political interference can be better understood and sensible, informed policy decisions can be made to defend against this growing threat.” The data include names, emails and ZIP codes for donors, according to the Daily Mail article. The hack reportedly came as dozens of Freedom Convoy protestors were arrested by Canadian authorities, with the protestors potentially facing jail time and $100,000 fines.

This is a dangerous threat, if authentic, to weaponize private information from donors to a protest. World media defended violent and destructive protests from groups like the militant Antifa, particularly in 2020. Big Tech companies have shown a consistent left-leaning bias. GiveSendGo is a Christian site specifically meant to give a platform to those shut down by leftist tech companies.

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