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Comedian and podcaster Joe Rogan and his guest accused Big Tech and the legacy media of stealing the 2020 election away from former President Donald Trump by suppressing the Biden family scandals in October.

In a podcast episode on August 24, 2023, titled “They Stole It, One Way or Another,” Rogan and fellow comedian Dave Smith opined that the Biden campaign’s efforts to sweep Hunter Biden’s alleged crimes and misdealings under the rug — including new revelations of an alleged Biden bribery bombshell — prevented former President Donald Trump from winning the White House again in 2020.

"There’s no better evidence than the — was it 51 intelligence officials that signed off on the fact that the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation?" Rogan said, referring to the intentional labeling of the Oct. 2020 New York Post exposé as “disinformation.” Big Tech platforms suppressed the news and the legacy media covered up the politically damning evidence.

If voters had known the truth about the Biden family’s alleged corruption, the election would have ended differently, Smith added. 

"It’s really something, 'cause there’s no, like, demand for accountability for those people,” said Smith. “Like, Hey, explain yourself, you know? Like, How did you sign off on this blatant election interference, you know?"

Smith went even further, adding that the information would have kept Americans from voting for Biden.

"They know this whole thing is illegitimate,” he said. “Like, you stole it, and they really did. They really did," Smith added. "I mean, they suppressed the October bombshell that would have very likely tipped the election in Trump’s favor."

Media Research Center in a special report just weeks after the 2020 election confirmed that millions of voters cast ballots without knowing key information about the Biden family scandals.

“We found that a huge majority (82%) of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of these key items, with five percent saying they were unaware of all eight of the issues we tested,” the report showed. “This lack of information proved crucial: One of every six Biden voters we surveyed (17%) said they would have abandoned the Democratic candidate had they known the facts about one or more of these news stories. A shift of this magnitude would have changed the outcome in all six of the swing states won by Joe Biden, and Donald Trump would have comfortably won a second term as president.”

Ultimately, this lack of information about Biden tipped the election in his favor. 

“[A] total of 17% of Biden’s voters told us they would have changed their vote if they had been aware of one or more of these important stories. This would have moved every one of the swing states into Trump’s column, some by a huge margin. The President would have trounced Biden in the electoral college, 311 to 227,” the report concluded.

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