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President Trump’s team appears to be bucking the mainstream media for positive publicity and, instead, is relying on Facebook advertisements. A study shows that from May until June, Trump and his political action committee have reportedly spent approximately $274,000 on Facebook ads.

According to the study, which was written about in The New York Times, the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, ran 4,127 ads in that time period and spent $190,400 on those ads. Similarly, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. ran 5,396 ads and spent $83,700 on those ads. In total, Trump-related organizations ran 9,523 ads. Combined, the ads received 37,665,000 impressions.

The other two top spending, according to the study, were Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Beto for Texas, the campaign for Beto O’Rourke’s challenge to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). The Planned Parenthood Federation of America ran 3,389 ads and spent $188,800, while Beto for Texas ran 377 ads and spent $194,400 on them. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America ads received 24,510,000 impressions, while the O’Rourke ads received 13,040,000 impressions.

Other presences among the top 10 political advertisements on Facebook include the National Rifle Association, NowThis, and the Priorities USA Action and Senate Majority PAC.

The New York University researchers behind the study told the New York Times that out of the top 449 political ad spends on Facebook, 210 were considered left-wing, 124 were considered right-wing, and 115 groups were considered “politically neutral.”

While the researchers said they were unable to tally total spending for Republicans and Democrats as their study is ongoing, The New York Times referred to its piece that claims Democrats are spending less on digital ads compared to Republicans: more than 40 percent for Republicans compared to less than 10 percent for Democrats.
