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Democrats and race hustler organizations are reportedly pushing for "racial equity audits" to bend Big Tech companies to their will.

As if the race hustlers of the far-left weren’t powerful enough, Democrats are pushing for race politics to dominate Big Tech decisions. “Democrats want to subject tech companies to mandatory ‘racial equity audits’ conducted by their political allies, a move which could cement the party's control of Silicon Valley,” The Washington Free Beacon reported on Monday.

The Free Beacon illustrated that these audits promise to make the already left-leaning tech world into a series of openly far-left ideologically partisan organizations: “[I]n practice, equity auditors often push companies to hire more left-wing activists and former Democratic party officials, often from the auditing organizations themselves. The audits also call for the abolition of standards of ‘merit’ and the ability for a special executive to veto any company project.”

They summarized that organizations like Color of Change have “already succeeded in using racial equity audits to shape big tech policy.” It cited examples such as when the organization “successfully pushed Facebook into completing an audit that called for more restrictions on Trump's posts,” “pushed for Trump to be permanently banned from the platform,” and even “hired an Obama administration Justice Department official to lead the company's civil rights strategy.”

While it is common knowledge that conservative Christians are woefully underrepresented among Big Tech, liberal organizations like Color of Change instead focus on racial representation. Free Beacon quoted rhetoric from Color of Change calling for "hiring underrepresented groups," and establishing "a critical mass of employees that are aware of the origins and effects of white supremacy and anti-Blackness across all vertical and horizontal work streams."

The Beacon also explained that racial equity audits work as both a hellish blend of a grift to shake down corporations for cash and a means of weaponizing corporations into political tools:

“Racial equity audits are the chief service offered by ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ consultants, a cottage industry connected by a revolving door of Democratic staffers and funded by liberal donors. Equity auditors have made a killing from school districts that pay handsomely for consultants to revamp curricula, the Washington Free Beacon has also reported. Now, racial equity auditors are setting their sights on corporate America.”

Far from the “get woke, go broke” adage, companies like the Ford Foundation have reportedly profited handsomely from embracing liberal race politics: “Ford Foundation president Darren Walker claims audits can help ‘the nation’s most successful businesses to become better businesses,’ and that implementing the recommendations of audits could increase the United States' GDP by up to 20 percent,” Free Beacon recounted.

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