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Want to be a successful YouTuber? Better bow down to diversity and inclusion demands and stop with your “unconscious bias.”

YouTube released a video blog “Create Inclusive Videos to Reach More Viewers” via its YouTube Creators channel back in November proposing that if creators wish to be viable and successful on the platform, they need to pay up with some inclusion and diversity. The host and YouTube partner, Dr. Knatokie Ford, introduced herself as the Founder and CEO of Fly Sci Enterprise -- “an education and media consulting firm focused on leveraging the power of storytelling to promote social change.”

Like a post-Christian parody of biblical original sin, Ford affirmed that we all have “unconscious bias,” more or less suggesting that Americans unknowingly discriminate against other groups and must unlearn their bigotry.

Liberal buzzwords were listed and defined throughout the course of the video. “Diversity” was defined as how “different voices can be represented,” but the new and more desirable “inclusion” means that “all those different voices are actually being heard.”

It’s difficult to keep up with how the left updates the meaning of various buzzwords. Ford noted that “Multicultural people comprise 39 percent of the population, but just 22 percent of broadcast leads.” YouTube’s Inclusion Driver infographic used this same “Multicultural” term as well, which roughly translates to what appears to be “non-white” or person of color.

Ford followed that by claiming that “20 percent of Americans between the ages of 18-34 identify as LGBTQ+, while they only represent 9 percent of primetime regulars,” data she gathered from GLAAD and Harris Poll’s Accelerating Acceptance study. In short, that figure suggests that about 1-in-5 Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 are not straight, but Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, and so on. A 2019 Gallup poll found that only “4.5% of Americans are LGBT, based on respondents' self-identification as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.” Citing the same Gallup poll, observed that Americans wildly overestimate how many Americans are LGBT: “American adults think LGBT people make up nearly 24% of the population, which is more than 5 times the real percentage of 4.5%.”


In case readers are skeptical about what YouTube might actually mean when it says “diversity,” YouTube’s Creator Academy Lessons suggests that YouTube content could recruit from YouTube’s own trained “up-and-coming Black, Latino and women creators on the platform” citing “#YouTubeLatino, NextUp #YouTubeBlack, and NextUp #WomentoWatch.” The paired YouTube Creator Academy lessons also provide information for channels to assess their own inclusion levels. 

YouTube has demonstrated its willingness to cater to liberal identity groups multiple times in recent months. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said in an interview with Eugene Lee Yang of “The Try Guys” on Dec. 16, 2019 that the company consults with members of the LBGTQ community to make sure they are being treated fairly. How much more fair would the platform be if it treated all of its creators with the same level of concern?
