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A pro-life news website was booted from the Apple News platform without clear explanation on July 31. 

LifeSiteNews Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen contacted the Media Research Center’s Free Speech Alliance coalition requesting “help and the counsel” after being deplatformed for supposed “intolerance.” 

Westen said that LifeSiteNews “worked for a couple of years to get on to Apple News” and eventually was approved to be hosted on their platform. However, as of July 31, they were banned. 

“Today, without warning, Apple News abruptly reversed course, telling LifeSite that they had deleted our channel and all of our content from their platform,” Westen said.


The letter they received from Apple News claimed. LifeSite's content "didn't comply with our Apple News guidelines." Their reason? That LifeSiteNews’ pro-life content somehow  "shows intolerance towards a specific group." 

This was especially ironic considering how pro-life activists defend all unborn humans regardless of their race, creed, or ability. 

Apple's email provided no explanation as to what content offended it's sensibilities or what protected group LifeSiteNews was showing intolerance toward.
