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A leftist MSNBC host smeared Republicans as anti-Semitic for daring to call out radical billionaire George Soros for using his ungodly fortune to reshape society to match his open society worldview. 

MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan stepped on a rake by attacking critics of Soros. Hasan’s X post read, “The same Republicans who love billionaires, big money donations, dark money, etc, but now indignantly insist that their obsession with Soros isn’t antisemitic, really have to explain what it is about Soros that they so object to. It can’t be his money or donations.” In the words of The Daily Wire host Michael Knowles, “Isn't there a difference between donating to good things and donating to bad things?” Of course there is.

Hasan is not the first lazy media talking head to make Soros’ vendetta to “bend” the “arc of history” seem innocent and his critics seem racist. But since Hasan asked for an explanation, the Media Research Center would be happy to provide the answer. 

To flesh things out, Soros has openly admitted to funding leftist soft-on-crime prosecutors in local races across America, including infamous names like District Attorney George Gascon, District Attorney Alvin Bragg, former State Attorney Kim Foxx and District Attorney Larry Krasner. These prosecutors have let dangerous criminals roam free in their communities, refused to enforce laws, signed radical pledges, and devoted their energy to prosecuting victims of crime rather than perpetrators. Soros also spent $35 million undermining our criminal justice system by funding “anti-police initiatives and groups” in 2021 alone.  

Critics of Soros are also opposed to the mass slaughter of unborn babies in this country and throughout the world. Soros gave $21 million to Planned Parenthood between 2016 and 2021 alone, while also funding NARAL, “Catholics” for Choice and other pro-abortion organizations. 

Critics also take issue with Soros giving tens of millions to organizations that push censorship on social media, while a former Open Society Foundation fellow was tapped to promote censorship of Americans at the federal level.  Jennifer Daskal was appointed to lead President Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board, better known among conservatives as “the Ministry of Truth.”

Still others object to Soros’ investments in media, since his Open Society Foundations gave more than $131 million to “journalism and media organizations” between 2016 and 2020 to spread his ideas on criminal justice, abortion and other issues.

But even those who are not conservative are entitled to concerns about a megalomaniac who has invested $32 billion in his Open Society Foundations, spent $21 billion since 2000, and said he is “engaged in trying to bend [the arc of history] in the right direction.” Soros, who has called himself “a one-eyed king among the blind,” a “god, the creator of everything,” “brilliant” and “clever,” has also stated that “my goal is to become the conscience of the world.”

If a man who thinks like this puts $32 billion into influencing media, education, criminal justice and other fields, it behooves Republicans, Americans, and people throughout the world to be as interested in him as he is in them. 

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider weighed in on the irony of Hasan’s accusations, “The only reason Hasan is defending Soros is because they are birds of the same radical feather.  It is absurd to claim that someone is antisemitic simply because they oppose the radical views of somebody who happens to be Jewish.  It is in fact Hasan, who has advocated for policies that harm the sovereignty of Israel.”

Schneider added, “As we approach Rosh Hashanah, the festival Jews celebrate for the new year, I hope Hasan can turn a new leaf and treat people based on their actual beliefs. “  

Hasan has repeatedly referred to “apartheid” in Israel, condemned Israel’s restoration in 1948, and rushed to defend a vicious anti-Israel speech.

Soros is notorious for using his fortune to fuel anti-Israel causes as well. “‘[N]o single person has done more to damage Israel’s standing in the world, especially among so-called progressives, than George Soros,’” said Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz. Israel Heritage Foundation Chairman Farley Weiss wrote in a Jan. 23, 2023 article for the Jewish News Service that “[N]o one has financed more destructive attacks on Israel and the American Jewish community than [George] Soros. He is, at best, a self-hating Jew, and shouldn’t be let off the hook because of his ancestry.” 

Former Israel Project President Joshua Block noted in a 2016 op-ed that “Dark money efforts to undermine [Israel], such as those undertaken by this Soros-funded and Soros-directed effort[s], are the real threat to our democracy.”

Conservatives are under attack! Contact MSNBC at (800) 952-5210 and demand the network stop acting as a PR shop for leftist mega donors like Soros!