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After Donald Trump chose former presidential candidate Ben Carson to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), journalists ridiculed the choice, mocked Carson’s beliefs and labeled him a “scammer.”

Squawk Box co-anchor Joe Kernen anticipated the liberal media reaction on Dec. 5, saying, "Let's see, he's not a billionaire, so how's the mainstream media going to trash him? He's a -- he's just a loyalist. He's a doctor. Doesn't know anything about housing."

Kernen was right. Journalists criticized Carson’s lack of experience, ridiculed his beliefs and doubted his ability to lead HUD. New Yorker writer Andy Borowitz, for example, mocked Carson’s faith.  “Ben Carson warns that Bible makes no mention of housing or urban development,” he joked on Dec. 5.

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As usual, the Huffington Post panicked and splashed across its front page on Dec. 5,  “YIKES,” in reaction to the news. “YIKES: CARSON GETS CABINET JOB,” it read.

New York Magazine writer Jonathan Chait called Carson a “world-class scammer.”

On Dec. 5, New York Times sports columnist Michael Powell tweeted criticism of Carson and Trump's decision:

He also retweeted someone saying that Americans deserved better than Carson.

Several media figures from lefty Think Progress, Huffington Post, NBC News and others joined in ridiculing Carson and criticizing Trump’s decision:

Others speculated he would hurt the poor and cause housing segregation.