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Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton ducked a question from a gay newspaper about her foundation taking millions of dollars from countries that persecute gays.

In an exclusive interview with The Washington Blade published Nov. 3, Clinton touted the Clinton Foundation’s fight against HIV and claimed, “As your president, I will continue to fight for LGBT rights here in the United States and around the globe.”

Washington Blade’s Chief Political and White House Reporter Chris Johnson asked the tough question though when it came to her foundation and certain countries that gave it money. The Clinton Foundation accepted at least $25.5 million from at least eight countries that punish homosexuality with imprisonment and execution.

“The foundation has done much good work, but do the ends justify the means?” Johnson asked. The interview question specifically mentioned the “$10-25 million” in donations from Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia, which punishes gays by imprisonment, banishment and death by stoning, topped the list of gay-persecuting Clinton Foundation donors.

The Clinton Foundation also received millions of dollars from Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar and Brunei, all countries which imprison gays. Another donor, the United Arab Emirates, imprisons gays for up to 14 years and gave the Clinton Foundation between $1,000,001 to $5,000,000.