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The Big Three news networks (ABC, NBC and CBS) have turned a blind eye to leftist groups funneling millions of dollars to anti-Israel advocacy groups.

The NBC, CBS and ABC news networks all opted to ignore the disturbing role played by leftist donors in the rampant protests against Israel, particularly as the Jewish state defends itself from the atrocities committed by Hamas on Oct. 7.

An MRC Business study consisting of searches done using LexisNexis transcripts for ABC and CBS, along with video records from SnapStream for NBC from Oct. 7 to Oct. 31, revealed little mention of multi-million dollar donations from leftists, namely the Open Society Foundations (OSF), Arabella Advisors and the Omidyar Network, to anti-Israel groups, despite damning reports from the New York Post and The Washington Free Beacon exposing the disturbing connection.

On Oct. 28, the NY Post revealed that embattled leftist billionaire George Soros has given over $15 million, through the OSF, to groups leading efforts to protest Israel’s defensive effort in Gaza since 2018. Two days earlier, the NY Post reported that Arabella Advisors, a consulting firm that manages leftist donors and nonprofit organizations, has given a combined $10,833,396 to anti-Israel groups since 2018.

According to the report, Arabella quietly donated the funds through the in-house New Venture Fund, Hopewell Fund, Sixteen Thirty Fund, North Fund and Windward Fund. Pierre Omidyar, the leftist tycoon and eBay founder, has given his own share of funds through the Omidyar Network, totaling  $710,000 to one disturbing group justifying Hamas’s inhumane acts in southern Israel, as reported by The Washington Free Beacon on Oct. 27.

The Big Three news networks showed little interest in the disturbing ties. While NBC did not discuss the activities of recipients of leftist donor money such as CAIR Arizona, the network did choose to cite the national group, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), during a segment on Islamophobia on NBC’s Today on Oct. 30.

CAIR Arizona received $40,000 from the Arabella-led New Venture Fund. NBC’s Today, of course, did not mention the leftist tie. NBC’s Today also briefly highlighted a protest by donation recipient A Jewish Voice for Peace on Oct. 30, but the outlet failed to discuss the radical views of this group or the funding that it received from Soros. Notably, Soros gave at least $300,000 to A Jewish Voice for Peace in 2017 and $350,000 to Jewish Voice for Peace Action from 2019-2021.

When the Big Three news networks have covered the Israel-Hamas conflict, many of their hosts and reporters have uncritically accepted death tolls provided by the terrorist group Hamas. CBS pushed the Hamas-led hoax that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza, even as evidence emerged that terrorist Gaza-based Islamic Jihad was responsible and that the parking lot rather than a hospital had been impacted.

Moreover, the financial backing of these anti-Israel groups extends beyond mere solidarity with the civilians in the Gaza Strip. According to the NY Post, some of the protests led by the Soros-funded entities have resulted in the arrest of at least 100 individuals, where pro-Hamas chants were reportedly heard. A whopping $13.435 million of the total $15 million given by Soros’ OSF went to the Tides Center.

The Tides Center, a leftist advocacy group, reportedly backs numerous non-profits that have justified Hamas’s massacre of at least 1,400 individuals, including U.S. citizens. The Free Beacon reported that Illinois-based Adalah Justice Project draws funds from major leftist donors like the Rockefeller Brothers Fund — which is tied to the Arabella Advisors group — and gave $710,000 to the Tides Center, in earmarked funds for the group since 2018.

According to the NY Post, in one disturbing Instagram post dated Oct. 7, the day of the Hamas terrorist attack, Adalah Justice Project, posted a photo of what appears to be Palestinians breaking through a border fence into Israel. The photo’s text seemingly makes reference to the Hamas invasion of southern Israel, where at least 1,400 individuals, including U.S. citizens, children and women, were butchered.

“Israeli colonizers believed they could indefinitely trap two million people in an open-air prison,” the post read. “No cage goes unchallenged.” However, none of the Big Three news networks dared to cover the leftists’ donations to this group.

According to the Free Beacon, Adalah Justice Project shared a solidarity pledge the very same day that Hamas unleashed its barbaric massacre in southern Israel. The disturbing pledge claimed that the group stood with “the Palestinian people's right to defend themselves." The report accused the group of leading the occupation of House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D.-NY) and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA.) to call for an Israeli ceasefire.

The same group — along with the Desis Rising Up and Moving, which received $30,000 from Soros’ OSF — reportedly co-sponsored a New York City rally where pro-Palestinian individuals allegedly shouted anti-Semitic chants and brandished a sign that read “I DO NOT CONDEMN HAMAS,” according to the NY Post.

The NY Post exposé also noted that 139 people were arrested at that same protest. Soros’ OSF gave $800,000 to Adalah Justice Project’s parent company, the Israeli-based Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights.

Conservatives are under attack. Call ABC, CBS and NBC and demand that they report on leftist donors giving to anti-Israel groups.