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Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg reacted to a U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Deal by pledging $15 million to the United Nations’ climate change efforts.


As a billionaire and the eighth richest person in the world, he can afford to — unlike all the ordinary taxpayers and low-income households who would have been saddled with the burden of living up to the agreement. One of the many pieces of his media empire, Bloomberg Businessweek, promoted the same pro-Paris Climate Accord perspective. That one-sided June 1, story claimed the U.S. would be the “loser” if Trump abandoned the deal.


"Americans are not walking away from the Paris Climate Agreement," Bloomberg said. "Just the opposite -- we are forging ahead," Yahoo News reported on June 2.


President Donald Trump’s decision to keep his campaign promise to abandon the Paris Climate Accord sent the liberal media, climate activists and left-wing celebrities into fits.


But even before the announcement, Bloomberg Businessweek magazine’s coverage of the latest potential Paris exit favored the agreement — just like its owner. The June 1, cover story promoted the agreement and clearly opposed Trump’s rumored exit.


“If Trump Dumps the Climate Accord, the U.S. Is the Loser,” the original headline declared. It was modified slightly to reflect the president’s announcement.



Bloomberg’s Sustainability Editor Eric Roston’s subhead continued, "An exit would undermind America's economic competitiveness, technological innovation, and global leadership. Not to mention the, um, planet."


The story that followed was as one-sided as its headline.


In spite of the fact that the magazine described the accord as a “fuzzy compromise” that would not stop global warming — “the world would still heat up by 2.8 degrees Celsius” — it only presented arguments and proponents of the deal.


Not a single critic of the Paris Climate agreement was included in the Businessweek story. No one who agreed with the president’s decision. Not one complaint about the agreement’s ineffectiveness, expense or wealth distribution.

Bloomberg’s environmental activism is well established, like his long partnership with the Sierra Club. Bloomberg recently co-authored the book, Climate of Hope, with former Sierra Club executive director and chairman Carl Pope. The book also showed how closely tied they are to liberal moneymen George Soros, Tom Steyer and liberal foundations like the Rockefellers.