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Late Show host Stephen Colbert doesn’t hide his disdain for President Donald Trump. He celebrates it.

Even the backlash over Colbert’s recent gay sex joke about Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin did little to slow down the host’s anti-Trump monologues.

Taking aim at the Trump administration’s 2018 budget proposal released May 23, he attacked the “brutal” budget with creepy hyperbole. “That ‘foundation for America’s Greatness,’ what he’s building that on — it turns out he’s building that foundation out of the ground-up bones of poor people,” Colbert said on May 23.

In his view, cuts to the food stamp program, SNAP, and children’s health insurance program, CHIP, proved that ridiculous claim.

“So he’s cutting SNAP and CHIP. To which America’s children replied, STOP and HELP. I know this is an unpopular opinion these days, but I believe children should go to the doctor and eat. [Audience cheers] Where do I find the courage?” Colbert continued.

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Since his aim was to make Trump look like a heartless monster, Colbert couldn’t be bothered to note that the food stamp program had been dramatically expanded eligibility and spending in the past 15 years. cited expansions in the 2002 Farm Bill, 2008 Farm Bill and again in former President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, resulting in 1 in 7 Americans on food stamps by 2015.

National Review noted that food stamp program participation ballooned over Obama’s tenure, growing by 39.5 percent between January 2009 to April 2016.


The Late Show host also complained about the “brutal, senseless cuts to medical research” including cuts to HHS, and “major cuts to the Centers for Disease Control.”

“So whenever that thing inside Steve Bannon bursts out and goes airborne we will not be prepared to handle it,” Colbert mocked.

In reality, experts and conservatives have criticized the CDC for years for wasteful spending and duplication of effort. One 2016 study found the agency had been duplicating work done by 19 other federal agencies. 

Big spending liberals act treat government funding for programs like people’s lifeblood and only resource, so they react just like Colbert with explicit and implicit statements that funding cuts harm or kill people.