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Using a tired line he’s been recycling since at least 2003, former vice president Al Gore criticized the media’s coverage of climate change — for not blaming it enough.

"Every night on the news is like a nature hike through the Book of Revelation," Al Gore said on May 6, according to The Hollywood Reporter. He had been asked about how the news media reports the issue. Gore said he would "wait for the newscasters to connect the dots," but claimed they rarely do.

In the same Los Angeles Q&A, he complained about the rise of “fake news” and claimed “the news media is not giving it to us fairly and squarely now.” The questions were part of a Fandango-sponsored screening of his new documentary, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power which will be released nationwide July 28, THR reported.

Speaking of “fake” ... promotional footage of Gore’s upcoming film proved he was guilty of rewriting his own history on climate change.

In his 2006 film, Gore warned, “If Greenland broke up and melted or if half of Greenland and half of West Antarctica broke up and melted this is what would happen to the sea level in Florida [animation shown with much of the state underwater].”

Now, 10 years later, he claimed what he said back then was that “the combination of sea level rise and storm surge” would flood Manhattan — and then showed footage of Superstorm Sandy as evidence.

That’s called distortion.


As for his complaint that the media fail to blame weather events on climate change, that was just plain delusional. In spite of scientific opposition, the liberal media have joined Gore in linking hurricanes to global warming. Several media outlets have tried to tie blizzards and snowfall to climate change. The media have also used weather reports to preach about climate change and said this summer is what “warming looks like,” in addition to countless other “extreme weather” events to global warming. 

Gore is right — the news media doesn’t give viewers the fair story on climate change. They’re actually wildly biased in his favor. Gore himself became a media sensation in 2006 with his slideshow turned Oscar-winning documentary. Gore was the “darling of Hollywood,” network reporters said he looked like a “genius” and Today co-host Meredith Vieira cooed that he was the “coolest guy in the room” at the Oscars. News anchors even tried to coax him into running for president again.

His apocalyptic predictions from An Inconvenient Truth, were almost never criticized by the broadcast network news.

His films have been produced by Participant Media, a left-wing media company which produces many films about major liberal agenda items. It produced Matt Damon’s anti-fracking film, Promised Land, the movie Cesar Chavez, Syriana and more.