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Big Data Poll Director Richard Baris slammed both Big Tech and the liberal media after being silenced by Twitter for speaking out about voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Baris was blocked from his Twitter account earlier this month for sharing research pointing to the possibility of voter fraud. He said his wife Laura and his polling firm were also blocked from their respective accounts as well. Baris’s account has since been restored.

In a new interview with MRC Business, Baris warned about the interference of Big Tech and the liberal media into the 2020 election by hoodwinking the American people into believing that there’s no evidence of voter and election fraud. His main message to the press trying to black out the issue: “Media should stop lying to the American people about the reality of both voter and election fraud. There are examples of both in every election.” Baris continued: “The question this year has never been whether there was fraud, but rather how widespread it was and whether it was enough to impact the outcome of the election in any of these critical battleground states.” [Emphasis added.]

Just the News founder John Solomon released a report today arguing that “a mountain of evidence has been amassed in private lawsuits alleging there was, in fact, significant and widespread voting misconduct.” In Baris’s view, “the states in question essentially used Covid-19 as a predicate to put a moratorium on election integrity laws, including long-standing established laws and verification procedures.”

When asked about his perspective on why Twitter would want to block his research along with censoring his wife and polling firm, Baris explained: 

Prior to this, I’ve never had a problem with big tech that we are aware of, to include suspensions. It was only when we made public that we were investigating fraud, and were in fact finding troubling patterns, that we were suspended. [PolitiFact] contacted us asking for our initial findings. We refused and told them they would read about it like everyone else. Shortly after, we were all suspended from Twitter.

In addition to behavior like this, Twitter had dubiously censored at least 300,000 Tweets this election cycle it unilaterally decided were "disputed and potentially misleading.” Since May 31, 2018, Twitter has restricted President Donald Trump and his campaign 262 times. By contrast, former Vice President Joe Biden and his campaign were not censored at all.

Baris then gave the MRC an in-depth summarization of some of his key findings pointing to disturbing trends that suggest the possibility of voter fraud.

According to Baris, “The stopping of vote-counting and commencing the count again in the middle of the night and early morning hours is not typical, nor is it what officials told us they would do in areas such as Wayne County, Michigan, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.” [Emphasis added.]

As Baris stated: 

[L]ike others, I saw allegations citing specific records on social media and received emails from voters who told us they had deceased loved ones who somehow managed to cast absentee ballots. Turnout in certain precincts also began to approach levels we see in mandatory voting nations, which is not normal even for high turnout elections in the U.S., particularly in areas with little to no population growth.

Baris told the MRC that he decided to take action and analyze the abnormal voting trends in some of the key swing states:

I decided to use the resources at our disposal to randomly pull records with deceased and change-of-address flags in several states. Even with relatively small samples we can identify a potentially larger, even systemic problem by the percentage of irregularities in those subsamples. In Michigan, it was very clear that a higher-than-expected number of suspected deceased voters did request and submit absentee ballots, [emphasis added.]

The next step for Baris was to “confirm whether these records were in fact truly deceased and whether their votes counted.” In Baris’s estimation, “We are still in the latter stage now, but can state without a doubt that confirmed dead and movers did vote in various states.” He concluded: “Even if some of these votes didn’t count, it still leaves open the question of who was turning in these ballots. It’s also worth noting, that it is highly unlikely that explanation accounts for even a majority of the records we found given the lower-than-average rejection rates for absentee ballots this year.” [Emphasis added.]

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MRC Assistant Editor Corinne Weaver and MRC TechWatch Staff Writer Kayla Sargent contributed to this report.