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It’s absurd for a media company that traffics in liberal bias like The Atlantic to continue to bill itself as being an “[i]ndependent” news source — especially when both of its parent companies’ chief executives are liberal donors.

Federal Election Commission Records reveal that Emerson Collective Founder/President and Atlantic co-owner Laurene Powell Jobs gave thousands ($22,300) exclusively to Democratic presidential candidates (Emerson Collective owns a majority stake in The Atlantic). Jobs is the widow of late tech mogul Steve Jobs. FEC records also showed that Atlantic Media Company Owner and Chairman David G. Bradley has contributed exclusively ($5,600) to Democratic presidential candidates.

Atlantic Media Company owns the minority stake in The Atlantic.

The Atlantic claims that it has been “Independent Since 1857,” and that “For more than 160 years, The Atlantic has been committed to our founding credo: to be ‘of no party or clique.’ We seek debate over agreement, fact over favor.” [Emphasis added.]

Yeah, right.

Jobs’ cash recipients included:

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) ($2,800) — President
  • Tom Steyer ($2,800) — President
  • Pete Buttigieg ($2,800) — President
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) ($2,800) — President
  • Andrew Yang ($2,800) - President
  • Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) ($2,700) — President
  • Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) ($2,800) — President
  • Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) ($2,800) — President

NOTE: FEC limits for individual contributions to candidate committees is $2,800.

Bradley’s cash recipients included:

  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) ($2,800) — President

  • Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) ($2,800) — President

So much for “of no party or clique.”


The outlet itself also has a long, sad history of extreme liberal bias that undercuts its claim of being “independent.” Consider a few examples.

The Atlantic just ran a story March 13, headlined “The Trump Presidency Is Over.” Its reason? NeverTrumper and contributing writer Peter Wehner wrote:

“The coronavirus is quite likely to be the Trump presidency’s inflection point, when everything changed, when the bluster and ignorance and shallowness of America’s 45th president became undeniable, an empirical reality, as indisputable as the laws of science or a mathematical equation.”

The Atlantic also sent out an asinine tweet accusing President Donald Trump of xenophobia for calling the coronavirus a “foreign virus” March 12:

“President Trump labeling the novel coronavirus a "foreign virus" isn't a new strategy: When it comes to the popular naming of infectious diseases, xenophobia has long played a prominent role,” [emphasis added].



Virulent lefty Atlantic contributor Jemele Hill attacked Vice President Mike Pence Feb. 26 over him being put in charge of oversight for the U.S. response to the coronavirus issue:

Mike Pence, who was Indiana’s governor during the worst H.I.V. outbreak in the state’s history, is now in charge of the coronavirus response. Welp, we had a good run y’all,” [emphasis added.]
