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While liberal billionaire and 2020 Democrat candidate Tom Steyer is focused on taking the White House, his group Need to Impeach is looking to further his impeachment agenda.

Need to Impeach has launched a $3.1 million ad campaign targeting Senate Republicans for the 2020 election cycle, according to The Denver Post Oct. 1. This happened as pro-impeachment activists turned “their fire away from Democratic holdouts toward members of the president’s own party.” Need to Impeach’s targets include Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ).

The shift to attacking Senate Republicans was cited as a “new phase” of the group’s two-year mission to impeach President Donald Trump. Need to Impeach’s ad campaign is the “first major television ad supporting impeachment” since Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her impeachment agenda, according to The Post.

The majority of the group’s campaign funds will be spent on television advertising, followed by digital advertising. The group had already spent $12 million in the first half of 2019, The Post noted.

According to The Post, Need to Impeach Executive Director Nathaly Arriola said the group planned “to announce additional spending in the coming weeks targeting House Republicans who might join Democrats in voting to impeach Trump.” Need to Impeach lead strategist Kevin Mack stated that ads would even run on the Fox News Channel:

“‘We’re going to make sure that Republican voters in states with key Republican senators know what’s on the line here over the next couple months,” he said. “The tone of the ad is partly there to hold Donald Trump accountable but also to make it clear that these folks, these Senate Republicans took a constitutional oath just like the Democrats in the House.’”

Between January and June of this year, Steyer personally donated $10,435,886 total to Need to Impeach, according to data taken from OpenSecrets.

Steyer recently compared his founding of Need to Impeach to fighting “Nazis” at an Iowa rally Sept. 21:

“When I started Need to Impeach, I was thinking about my father and the Nazis, because when you see something wrong in America, you fight it. You don't ask, 'What’s politically tactical?' 'What’s good for you?' You fight it every day before it gets too strong and that's what I was doing.”


Aside from being a presidential contender, Steyer was listed by Open Secrets as the top spender to outside groups for the 2019-2020 cycle, above fellow liberal mega-donor George Soros who is in second. Steyer has donated $21,063,557 exclusively to liberal causes.

In 2018, he spent $120 million on his Need to Impeach campaign to help Democrats take control of the U.S. House of Representatives. It is barely surprising that his organization has now set its multimillion-dollar efforts on influencing the Senate too.

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