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One of the biggest Democratic donors announced he’ll join the already-crowded field for president to “take democracy back from corporations and special interests.” Oh, the hypocrisy.

California billionaire Tom Steyer spent millions as his very own special interest, trying to install liberals who would battle climate change, and then trying to secure a Democratic majority to impeach President Donald Trump. And he’s often had the media’s help to do it.

Steyer ranked third on Open Secrets 2018 list of America’s top individual federal contributors. 100 percent of his more than $73 million political spending went to Democrats and liberals.

Although CBS This Morning was soft on Steyer on July 8, his official announcement about running for president rankled some other liberals.

The day before he confirmed his run, FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver tweeted, “There are actually 758 people running for president right now. @TomSteyer may make it 759 but doesn't particularly deserve more press attention than the other 758 since he doesn't really have any qualifications or any signs of popular support.”

Time Magazine’s editor-at-large and anti-capitalist liberal Anand Giridharadas hammered the announcement, “Oh, good. America's billionaire-underrepresentation problem may soon be solved.”

Giridharas also slapped Steyer’s self-absorption, “I have a better idea for @TomSteyer. Deploy your bright mind to the problem of getting Democratic turnout up to 80 percent, in keeping with the demands of these urgent, dangerous times. It doesn't have to be about you.”

It seems liberals only attack liberal billionaires when they spend the money on themselves instead of liberal causes.

MTV News contributor and former Teen Vogue columnist Lauren Duca couldn’t believe Steyer would spend money on himself, “Tom Steyer to Spend $100 Million Proving He Cares about Himself Way More than the Planet.”

The New York Times chief correspondent Peter Baker jabbed, “Because the Democratic presidential contest doesn’t have enough candidates, Tom Steyer, the liberal billionaire leading the impeach-Trump movement, is now thinking about jumping into the race after all.”

“Tom Steyer was put on this earth to make Mike Bloomberg look like a hero,” quipped Slate columnist Jordan Weissmann.

CNN commentator Keith Boykin pleaded for Steyer’s money but slammed his candidacy, “Somebody please tell @TomSteyer that he's wasting his money running for president. He will not win the Democratic nomination. He will get more bang for his buck if he helps Democrats win the Senate.”

Boykin added, “The last thing the Democratic Party needs right now is a billionaire political neophyte running for president.”

Jon Cooper, Chairman of The Democratic Coalition Super PAC, which is dedicated to ousting Trump and calls itself “the resistance,” also had choice words for one of the left’s biggest spenders.


“Does anyone want @TomSteyer to jump into the presidential race at this point? I mean, ANYONE?? This is long past the point of getting ridiculous,” Cooper ranted.

Liberal media outlet RawStory breaking news reporter Matthew Chapman couldn’t restrain his disdain for Steyer’s bid (but not for his cash), “Imagine the supreme arrogance it requires to look at the state of the race now and think, yeah, voters want another self-funding billionaire. Save your money @TomSteyer. You're not going to be president. Fund Senate races if you want to bring positive change.”
