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Want to tell people that they are hurting children around the globe?

Use a pop star and a fake newscast to soften up the guilt trip.

In a video reminiscent of a bad episode of “Who Wore it Better,” pop superstar Katy Perry channeled her inner Anchorman in a burgundy pantsuit while she “forecasted” the climate threat in a video for UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund.)  UNICEF, a humanitarian program of the UN that provides assistance to mothers and children in developing countries, advocates for a strong legally binding global agreement to be the result of the Paris conference.

The popstar turned weatherwoman gave a one-minute tour of the world explaining how humans were responsible for children’s suffering because of climate change. She recited devastations she claimed were brought on by “man-made climate change,” from the California drought and cyclones in the Philippines to flooding in Bangladesh to the threat of malaria in East Africa. The problem is that her claims were either untrue or lack sufficient evidence that CO2 is responsible.

 But the U.N. doesn’t let facts get in the way of its climate agenda, and UNICEF didn’t. Timed for release during the U.N. conference on climate change going on in Paris, the video promoted UNICEF’s #FightUnfair campaign, a project aimed at shedding light on unfair situations children are facing.

Perry concluded her forecast Chicken Little style warning, “conditions will worsen.” Alarmists keep saying that about ice, and the amount of hurricanes, to embarrassing failure.