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Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the media are not having Trump’s Twitter habits.

On Jan. 4, 2017, MRC Vice President of Business and Culture, Dan Gainor, appeared on Intelligence Report to discuss Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s fear that President Elect Trump will spend too much time tweeting while in office.

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“This is the Twitter Presidency whether Shumer likes it or not,” Gainor told guest host Ashley Webster. The media dislike Trump’s twitter as well because “he’s laying out what he’s going to do in his presidency” and “he doesn’t need them to do it,” Gainor added.

“Schumer basically is arguing that Trump doesn’t have time to do anything else -- all he’s doing is Tweeting,” Gainor told Webster, but the argument falls flat since Trump has put out “an average of four tweets a day” since he was elected.

Schumer and the media aside, however, ““I think the American public like the fact that he is speaking directly -- you know, typos and all,” Gainor said.