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According to liberal New Yorker author Jane Mayer, half a billion dollars is only “big money” if it’s coming from the Koch brothers.

Mayer appeared on The View on March 3, 2016, to promote her latest conspiracy theory involving the Koch brothers: a new book entitled “Dark Money,” She claims to expose the Koch brothers “secret.” Their crime, according to Mayer? Wanting smaller government.

“The bombshell new book ‘Dark Money’ contends that the billionaire Koch brothers try to use their fortune to secretly control Republican politics,” The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg said to open the six-and-a-half minute segment.

Things went downhill from the start as Mayer accused the Kochs of supporting conservative policies for their own gain. After all, it must be unthinkable for a conservative to support a policy they believe would help the country!

“Aren’t there billionaires on the left that are also -- I mean, George Soros, you have Michael Bloomberg. I mean, in their defense you also have billionaires on the other side,” View co-host Paula Faris said, pointing out the hypocrisy of treating conservative billionaires differently than liberal billionaires.

Mayer responded by ridiculously claiming Bloomberg was “in the middle,” and that Soros and Bloomberg were “not such big money by comparison” to the “big money” Koch brothers. “These two have put in at least half a billion dollars,” Mayer said, referring to the Kochs.

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Clearly Mayer didn’t do her homework on donors, but instead just singled out the Koch brothers.

Otherwise she would have known that Bloomberg has given $207 million to exclusively liberal causes, including destroying the coal industry, Planned Parenthood, pushing gun control, and more than $27 million to political candidates that support those same liberal agendas.

Mayer must also not know that Soros alone has given more than $550 million to liberals - the same amount that she said was “big money” coming from the Kochs.

Mayer has been a writer for the New Yorker since 1995, and previously worked for The Wall Street Journal. She has been targeting the Koch brothers for at least six years, and before that she spent seven years attacking then-president George W. Bush as an un-American tyrant.

At the end of the segment, Goldberg announced all audience members got a copy of “Dark Money.”

In January, 2016, The New York Times gave an equally glowing (and biased) book review of “Dark Money.” Mayer is married to William Hamilton, the Washington editor for The New York Times.