Chloe Cole
Case #

Instagram censors account of prominent detransitioner and activist Chloe Cole: Instagram informed prominent detransitioner and activist against transitioning children Chloe Cole that her account "can't be shown to non-followers," according to screenshots that Cole shared on her Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) accounts. The notice from Instagram continued, stating that Cole's "account activity may not follow [its] Recommendation Guidelines." The notice explained that this meant Cole's account could not "appear in places like Explore, Search, Suggested Users, Reels, and Feed Recommendations." The reason that was provided for this action against Cole's account was that her profile bio violated the platforms "guidelines on violence." Specifically, according to the screenshot of the notice, Instagram noted that its “Recommendation Guidelines help to promote content that fosters a safe community on Instagram.” The notice continued, saying that Instagram “tr[ies] not to recommend content or accounts that show violence, such as people fighting. This includes: All accompanying text or imagery that encourage violence, including hashtags, terms, and bio information.” Cole’s bio read: “19 - [American flag emoji] - female (XX) - former trans kid [lizard emoji] started T & Blockers at 13, Double Mastectomy at 15, detransed at 16.” The bio also included a gmail account for requests to have her as a speaker. It is unclear which part of this factual bio Instagram felt violated its guidelines against violence. MRC Free Speech America reach out to Instagram for a comment, but did not receive a response.

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