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“Mary Poppins of disinformation” Nina Jankowicz resigned from leading President Joe Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) after MRC and other outlets exposed its Orwellian nature.

“UPDATE: Nina Jankowicz has officially resigned from Disinformation Governance Board and the DHS,” unapologetic doxxer and Washington Post  columnist Taylor Lorenz tweeted Wednesday morning. “Jankowicz had previously written a resignation letter on Monday, when the board was set to be dissolved. Then last night, after DHS officials called and and [sic] said the board would simply be on ‘pause’ she reevaluated. She's now made the decision to leave.”

Lorenz wrote a whiny story on how the DHS “paused” its Ministry of Truth operation headlined: “How the Biden administration let right-wing attacks derail its disinformation efforts.”

Lorenz even praised Jankowicz as having “extensive experience in field [sic] of disinformation.”

But Jankowicz has a history of spreading misinformation herself. She spread false Trump-Russia collusion talking points ranging from the debunked Alfa Bank narrative from 2016 to praising a speech that parroted the debunked Steele Dossier. She even tried to dismiss the now verified New York Post Hunter Biden laptop story as a “Russian influence op.” 

Jankowicz was also on record voicing support for the U.K. to establish acceptable speech standards for the country.

As for Lorenz, in addition to defending Jankowicz in her story, she also exalted her and Biden’s Ministry of Truth in a series of tweets. Lorenz attempted to label as “far right” those who disagreed with left’s position and moaned that Jankowicz was the target of “vicious, coordinated” attacks before the board paused. But Lorenz was being blatantly hypocritical.

Last month, a bipartisan horde of commentators lit into Lorenz for releasing an article sharing the personal info of the creator behind the popular Libs Of TikTok Twitter account.

The doxxing came after Lorenz in an MSNBC interview sanctimoniously cried about how some people’s internet criticism of her gave Lorenz post-traumatic stress disorder.

MRC Business and MRC Free Speech America previously revealed that DGB co-chair Jennifer Daskal had at least three deep ties to liberal billionaire mega-donor George Soros, and that she donated at least $1,150 to Biden’s campaign and $950 to the Biden Victory Fund during the 2020 election cycle. 

These revelations came after then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on May 2 said the censorship board will “operate in a ‘nonpartisan and apolitical manner.’"

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