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YouTube’s censorship overlords suspended MRCTV for posting a video that dared to highlight government officials’ garbled messaging on COVID-19 guidance. 

MRCTV Managing Editor Brittany Hughes’ Jan. 3 video, “Enjoy Your Covid Hysteria, Libs - But Leave The Rest Of Us Alone,” dissected the hysteria surrounding the omicron COVID-19 variant.

Hughes remarked that National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci incoherently “says that even if you’re vaccinated and boosted, you should only go out and about if you’re sure that everyone around you is also vaccinated and boosted because omicron is so contagious that even vaccinated and boosted people can still get it.” 

Hughes then played a clip of Fauci making this incomprehensible point about omicron during a segment on CNN. YouTube’s Ministry of Truth didn’t like Hughes pointing out the unintelligible messaging of entrenched bureaucrats and politicos. So it suspended MRCTV’s YouTube account for a week, saying the video constituted a “violation of our Community Guidelines.” MRCTV appealed the decision, but was rejected by the platform.

Here’s the video that YouTube doesn’t want people to see:

The appeal of the censorship argued that the “information in the video doesn’t explicitly dispute local health officials or [World Health Organization] guidance on Treatment, Prevention, Diagnosis, Transmission, Social distancing and self isolation guidelines or the existence of COVID-19.”

The appeal noted that “[t]he video looks at how certain authorities and states are interpreting what those guidelines mean differently - but does not encourage people to act against health guidance.” YouTube rejected the appeal and prohibited MRCTV from being able to “upload, post or live stream for 1 week.”  This is not the first time YouTube has gone after Hughes.

In May 2021, YouTube removed a video by Hughes drawing attention to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s comments on how Democrats have been able to exploit the pandemic to their advantage.

Another social media platform went after MRCTV for posting a similar video that critiqued COVID-19 response measures. The Chinese Communist Party-affiliated TikTok removed Hughes’ video for “violating Community Guidelines” after it received nearly 58,000 views. The reason for the censorship was erroneous. The platform claimed that Hughes violated “applicable laws,” despite the fact that U.S. laws protect free speech.

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