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Newly elected GOP Rep.-elect George Devolder-Santos (NY) has already assured the nation that he is not much interested in investigating pro-censorship Big Tech, saying he doesn’t want to “waste time,” according to a recent news report. 

Fox News co-anchor Sandra Smith asked Santos, a “MAGA” Republican, about potential congressional investigations after Republicans presumably take control of the House in January. 

Santos classified probes of issues including Big Tech – which has colluded with the government to censor Americans – as “hyperpartisan,” according to The Hill. Because apparently nothing is more partisan than free speech?

The future congressman’s assurance could please Big Tech as much as it seemed to please the leftist Daily Beast. But free speech will suffer if a Republican Congress agrees with Santos.

“If parts of our party want to go into these investigations, that’s their prerogative,” Santos said. “I don’t want to waste my time in Washington engaging in hyperpartisan issues. I want to come here to deliver results.”

He later walked back his language, telling Smith, “Look, I’m not saying [investigations  are] a waste of time. I’m just saying that they shouldn’t hold priority over the issues at hand which are affecting every American’s day-to-day life.” Apparently that  excludes mass censorship?

Santos also made it clear that he is not much concerned about whether the president’s son is a criminal, insisting that any investigation of corrupt Hunter Biden would also be “hyperpartisan,” according to the New York Post.

The congressman-elect said he intends to focus on education, reducing crime in cities and making the U.S. energy independent, The Hill said. All important issues, but isn’t free speech important, too?

The Daily Beast published a fairly positive story on Santos’s refusal to show interest in investigating Big Tech, despite recent revelations of government-Big Tech collusion on censorship. “Santos made it clear on Monday that, at least in the short term, he doesn’t want to fight the disgraced former president [Trump]’s culture wars,” Daily Beast crowed. “Santos, without skipping a beat, let the America Reports host know he is not all that interested in immediately setting up a bunch of House hearings.” 

This milquetoast attitude is especially odd since Santos caused controversy by praising former President Donald Trump’s speech on Jan. 6, 2021, and reportedly making contributions to get Jan. 6 political prisoners out of jail.

It remains to be seen whether Santos’s fundamental political desires have changed since his election to Congress. Santos made history by winning the first House race with two openly homosexual candidates.

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