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Leftist internet traffic cop NewsGuard surprisingly put the left-wing Daily Beast in the doghouse by knocking its rating down 30.5 points for false reporting. 

NewsGuard downgraded The Daily Beast for discrediting the now widely confirmed Hunter Biden laptop scandal and for falsely smearing Kyle Rittenhouse. MRC Free Speech America repeatedly called out NewsGuard for its biased “credibility” ratings. The Daily Beast previously sported a green checkmark of credibility with a high rating of 87.5/100. Now, The Daily Beast’s NewsGuard rating sits at a red rating of 57/100, as NewsGuard found “numerous stories with false or unsubstantiated claims” on the site “uncorrected.”

The service downgraded The Daily Beast in two categories, “Gathers and presents information responsibly” and “Regularly corrects or clarifies errors.” The NewsGuard “nutrition label” for The Daily Beast claims that the site “is often accurate and well-sourced,” but presents several examples deemed exceptions. Now, NewsGuard discredits The Daily Beast’s reporting on acquitted Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, on Florida’s mislabeled “Don’t Say Gay” bill and on the New York Post exposé of Hunter Biden. The ratings firm contacted The Daily Beast regarding the false reporting in April 2022, but had not received a response or seen a correction of the articles on the site, according to the company’s nutrition label for The Daily Beast.

That’s only a beginning. NewsGuard needs to adjust more ratings than The Daily Beast’s. MRC Free Speech America previously reported on how multiple leftist outlets that tried to quash the Hunter Biden laptop story still have perfect NewsGuard scores, even after The New York Times verified the story. Even more egregious, NewsGuard co-CEO Steven Brill himself tried to discredit the story, calling it a “hoax.” Does NewsGuard now have to downgrade itself? Outlets including Axios, BuzzFeed News, USA Today and The Washington Post still have 100/100 NewsGuard ratings, despite their inaccurate reporting on the Hunter Biden scandals.

NewsGuard touts itself as the arbiter of “credibility” for internet sites. That’s more spin. MRC Free Speech America found that the ratings firm is heavily biased in favor of leftist outlets. A recent MRC study found that outlets rated “left” or “lean left” by AllSides received an average NewsGuard score of 93/100. Sites considered “right” or “lean right” by AllSides had an average NewsGuard rating of 66/100. NewsGuard even rated several Chinese state-run media outlets higher than several U.S. conservative or pro-life outlets.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News (818) 460-7477, CBS News (212) 975-3247 and NBC News (212) 664-6192 and demand they report on NewsGuard’s clear left-wing bias.