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X owner Elon Musk called out the Supreme Leader of Iran for his disgusting celebration of the terrorist group Hamas and its barbaric attack on Israel. 

Musk — instead of going along with absurd liberal media narrative attempting to draw a false equivalency between Israel and Palestine — went straight for the jugular: “Khamenei’s official position is clear that the eradication of Israel is the actual goal, not just supporting Palestinians.” In Musk’s view, “That will not happen. All that actually happens, decade after decade, is a never-ending cycle of violence and vengeance.” MRC President Brent Bozell praised Musk for standing against the Iranian tyrant. “Elon Musk isn't afraid to speak the truth," Bozell said. "He doesn't hide behind his companies or use his platform to promote a woke agenda like many CEOs. He actually uses his voice to hold tyrannical anti-Semites accountable."

It didn’t take long after Hamas’ barrage of thousands of rockets into Israel on Oct. 7 for the Ayatollah to give his blessing to the ensuing massacre. “God willing, the cancer of the usurper Zionist regime will be eradicated at the hands of the Palestinian people and the Resistance forces throughout the region. #AlAqsaStorm,” the Ayatollah Khamenei spewed in a post on X (formerly Twitter). Musk lambasted Khamenei in response: “Stoking the fires of hatred isn’t working. Perhaps it is time to consider something else.”

Khamenei's post clearly violates X rules against the “Glorification of Violence,” as the platform clearly outlined in a label placed over Khamenei’s post. However, instead of taking down Khamanei’s post, the platform stipulated in its label that “it may be in the public’s interest for the Post to remain accessible.” In other words, Musk is letting the millions of users across the X-verse witness the brazen anti-Semitism of the Ayatollah firsthand.

“Finally, Twitter has an owner who understands the difference between true incitements to violence and constitutionally protected speech,” praised MRC Business Vice President Dan Schneider in a statement. Schneider also blasted Musk’s dystopian predecessors at Old Regime Twitter for their sordid double standard of consistently allowing the Ayatollah to spread incitements to violence on the platform while repeatedly targeting Americans’ speech on the platform for the non-crime of expressing differing opinions on a myriad of issues (e.g. elections, COVID-19, culture) that slap against approved, left-wing axiomatic views:

The Big Tech oligarchs have long protected the Ayatollah Khamenei’s incitement to violence rhetoric; language that is clearly not constitutionally-protected speech. Yet at the same time, these Big Tech oligarchs have taken down political speech that they happen to disagree with.

Khamenei’s Iran and its support of Hamas has been anything but subtle. The Wall Street Journal reported Oct. 8 that Iran security officials “helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday.”  

The New York Sun editorial board blasted President Joe Biden’s administration for approving transfer of $6 billion to the Iranian regime and pushed back against his lackeys like Secretary of State Antony Blinken for claiming none of it went towards incentivizing Hamas’s attack. “Given that all money is fungible, Mr. Blinken must take his countrymen for fools,” The New York Sun rebuked.

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