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Much like the January 2017, anti-Trump Women’s March, the protests against Trump’s Supreme Court pick were not grassroots efforts.

Fourteen “People’s Filibuster” events protesting Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch on April 1 were organized by The People’s Defense, an activist website created on Feb. 28 by NARAL Pro-Choice America. NARAL and other People’s Defense partners have received more than $19 million from liberal billionaire George Soros.

The People’s Defense website merely claims to be a “hub of action” for “defeating any Supreme Court Justice who will not stand up to this reckless administration.” The website never disclosed that NARAL was pulling the strings. NARAL was merely listed as one of 24 partners, alongside other liberal activist organizations like and People for the American Way.

Eight of the partner groups received more than $19 million from Soros — either through personal donations or foundation donations — since 2000.

The earlier Women’s March, which had more than 500 partners, also partnered with the People’s Defense. One hundred of the Women’s March partners received $246 million from Soros since 2000.

Daily Kos, another People’s Defense partner, published a glowing report of People’s Defense and the protests. The lefty website called People’s Defense “a coalition of pro-democracy, civil liberties and civil rights groups,” and described the protests as “dedicated to urging rejection of right-wing extremist Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch.”

Daily Kos did not disclose its partnership with People’s Defense, though a quote included in the column listed all partners.