Joe Pilot, MD
Case #

I have reached out to Twitter with no response at this time. I do not have contact information for the user whose account is still suspended. As of this writing, his followers have also been zeroed out.

Joe Pilot MD was the account of a doctor in Illinois who was, by all accounts, providing common sense, calm, and rational information about the COVID-19 pandemic. He was questioning the party line. By one account, he challenged a blue checkmark media account that tweeted that Chicago's hospitals would be overrun within ten days. Joe then posted a countdown clock to see where things stood in ten days. After fifteen days, Chicago was still not a hotspot, and their hospitals were in no way overrun. Shortly after this, his account was suspended.

While some believe this to be the reason for his suspension, others say that right before his suspension, he got into a heated discussion with some users because his small practice was being threatened by the pandemic response. He was not sure if the relief bills would help his practice any, and this may have devolved into the sort of rhetoric, on one or both sides, that Twitter tends to crack down on. 

In any case, many conservatives were big fans of his measured approach to the pandemic, and are quite upset that his account has been suspended. Though he was not a verified account, he had amassed over 19,400 followers, and his follower count had been growing rapidly during the pandemic coverage in the first quarter of the year.

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