Chris Plante Show
Case #

Instagram censors post about electric cars: The Chris Plante show posted on Instagram, "Pretending to solve problems while making things worse is a Democrat specialty!" The post included a meme showing a man hooking up his electric car to a charger with text overlay that said, "Coal fired electric cars. Helping liberals pretend they're solving a make believe crisis." Instagram placed a fact-check label under the post that read, "Partly False Information. The same information was reviewed by independent fact-checkers in another post." When users clicked the label to find out more, it read, "Partly False. The same partly false information was reviewed in another post by fact-checkers. There may be small differences. Independent fact-checkers say this information has some factual inaccuracies. Fact-Checker: AFP United States. Conclusion: Partly False." The box also linked to the fact-check article referenced. It was titled "Misleading posts criticize electric cars over coal-produced power." The summary of the article read: "Posts on social media suggest electric cars do not help lower climate-changing emissions because people rely on coal power to charge them. This is misleading; data shows that they still produce fewer emissions over their lifespan than gasoline-powered vehicles, even in regions where coal is burned to produce electricity for the grid."

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