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Disinformation Governance Board advisor Michael Chertoff has a demonstrated anti-conservative bias as well as ties to the leftist, George Soros-funded Aspen Institute.

The Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) may be paused, but it is not totally gone. Chertoff is going to advise and assess the DGB for the Biden administration during this apparently transitional phase for the board, after former head Nina Jankowicz resigned last week. 

Michael Chertoff is an Aspen Cybersecurity Group ex-officio member, according to the Aspen Institute website. Chertoff was also Department of Homeland Security secretary under former President George W. Bush and is the co-founder of The Chertoff Group. His newest role is as an advisor for the DGB. 

Chertoff formerly pushed disinformation, claiming the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was a Russian operation, adding that “human intelligence sources” (i.e. Russian spies) probably obtained Hunter’s emails, according to the Washington Free Beacon. The scandal involved questionable financial dealings of Hunter Biden. Yet, The New York Times reported that the relevant emails were authentic back in March.

The leftist Aspen Institute received funding from globalist Microsoft founder Bill Gates and globalist liberal billionaire George Soros. MRC Business previously reported that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated $101,854,593 to the Aspen Institute between 2003 and 2020. Meanwhile, two organizations within Soros’s Open Society Network — Foundation to Promote Open Society ($2,594,780) and the Open Society Institute ($445,000) —  poured at least $3,039,780 into the Aspen Institute during the same period. 

In 2016, Chertoff signed a letter along with dozens of other national security officials that explicitly opposed then-candidate Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency. Chertoff, while working for the George W. Bush administration, was also co-author for the Patriot Act, arguably a harsh crackdown on civil liberties. Chertoff has other ties that indicate an inclination to violate civil liberties.

Gates’s Microsoft also partners with biased NewsGuard to fight “disinformation.” The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation just committed $125 million partly to potentially invasive “[s]trong disease surveillance systems” supposedly to fight COVID-19.

MRC Business previously found that DGB co-chair Jennifer Daskal also has at least three connections to George Soros. Daskal served as an Open Society Institute fellow “working on issues related to privacy and law enforcement access to data across borders.” Daskal also worked as senior counterterrorism counsel for the anti-Semitic Human Rights Watch, which received at least $32,106,746 from Soros between 2000 and 2014. Daskal was also founding editor of the Just Security blog, which received $675,000 from Open Society Foundations between 2017 and 2019.

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