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Billionaire Elon Musk says “X,” formerly known as Twitter, will suspend any user who calls for the genocide of Jewish communities.

“Yes, decolonization” necessarily implies a Jewish genocide, thus it is unacceptable to any reasonable person,” Musk tweeted on Nov. 15 in agreement with a tweet of editor and Manhattan Institute Fellow Colin Wright discussing the origin of the term.

Musk was responding to a comment he made earlier last week when he said that the term “decolonization” implied Jewish genocide.

“‘Decolonization’ is the woke version of jihad, and it should be viewed and treated that way,” Wright wrote on X. “Remember, when Hamas terrorists were slaughtering Israeli civilians in the name of jihad on October 7, we were told by the woke that ‘this is what decolonization looks like.’ When they tell us decolonization looks like jihad, we should believe them.”

Additionally, Musk added on Friday that users who call for the “decolonization” of Jews would be suspended.

“As I said earlier this week, ‘decolonization’, ‘from the river to the sea’ and similar euphemisms necessarily imply genocide,” he tweeted. “Clear calls for extreme violence are against our terms of service and will result in suspension.”

He clarified even further, writing, “Anyone calling for a genocide of any people will be suspended.”

In preventing true threats of violence, which are not protected by the First Amendment, Musk is being consistent with free speech principles.

X’s “Violent Speech Policy,” which was updated in October amid continuing aggressions against Israel in the Israeli-Hamas war, describes speech that will not be allowed:

“You may not incite, promote, or encourage others to commit acts of violence or harm, which includes (but is not limited to) encouraging others to hurt themselves or inciting others to commit atrocity crimes including crimes against humanity, war crimes or genocide. This also includes using coded language (often referred to as ‘dog whistles’) to indirectly incite violence.”

Violation of the policy could result in a temporary suspension or a permanent ban. In a Nov. 14 press release, X touted its actions to tackle antisemitism. “We’ve taken action under our Violent and Hateful Entities policy to remove over 3,000 accounts by violent entities in the region, including Hamas, since the start of the conflict,” the platform’s X safety team wrote in a press statement. “In parallel, as we outlined in our update on this topic in September, we have expanded our proactive measures to automatically remediate against antisemitic content and provided our agents worldwide with a refresher course on antisemitism.”

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