Tom Fitton

Paiten Iselin | October 31, 2022

Musk is on the move. In a win for free speech, Twitter removed a warning label from a Just the News ballot harvesting story after self-dubbed “Chief Twit” Elon Musk interceded on the news site’s behalf.

The warning label originally…

Paiten Iselin | September 9, 2022

The Communist China-appeasing oligarchs at TikTok have kicked the platform’s ridiculous censorship apparatus into high gear to nix free speech from its platform.

MRC Free Speech America has been tracking TikTok’s anti-American censorship…

Joseph Vazquez | May 27, 2022

CNBC twisted exclusive comments it received from Tesla CEO Elon Musk to make it seem like he’s a gun control activist but buried his overall support for the Second Amendment.

Musk reportedly emailed a number of comments about…

Autumn Johnson | December 30, 2021

On Wednesday, Judicial Watch revealed on Instagram that Big Tech again decided to make its displeasure known with the group as video social media app TikTok allegedly permanently banned an account for its president, Tom Fitton.…

Autumn Johnson | April 27, 2021

California pressured social media companies to censor posts about the 2020 presidential election, according to Judicial Watch. The conservative legal organization announced the news Tuesday after it obtained over 500 pages of documents.

Joseph Vazquez | November 5, 2020

The harbingers about Twitter’s Orwellian censorship of President Donald Trump and conservatives during the election have already come true. Donation records may help explain the reason.

A recent study found that Facebook…

Kayla Sargent | November 4, 2020

Twitter delivered on its promise to censor tweets that it believed constitutes misinformation. Overall, the platform censored tweets from at least six conservatives’ verified accounts, including President Donald Trump. 

In five of…

Joseph Vazquez | October 1, 2020

Every once and awhile, leftists reveal their anti-capitalist ideology for all to see. Such was the case with former Twitter CEO Richard Costolo on his Twitter account last night.

News had broken that digital currency exchange…

Corinne Weaver | January 22, 2020

Two conservative outlets have complained that their livestreams of the Senate impeachment trial have been taken down—for no apparent reason.

Judicial Watch’s president, Tom Fitton, noted that the organization’s…