James Woods

Catherine Salgado | February 22, 2024

After Google‘s new artificial intelligence chatbot was caught behaving like a woke leftist activist, especially against white people, many prominent media and political figures spoke out condemning the Big Tech giant.

Gemini’s image…

Craig Bannister | December 7, 2022

After new Twitter owner Elon Musk released Friday the first batch of tweets showing that Democrats had called on the giant social media platform to suppress opposition posts, conservative actor James Woods told Musk he’d gladly be a plaintiff in…

Autumn Johnson | December 3, 2022

UPDATE: This story has been corrected to note James Woods intends to sue the Democratic National Committee, not Twitter.


Actor James Woods says he is suing the Democratic National Committee after the group apparently…

Joseph Vazquez | November 5, 2020

The harbingers about Twitter’s Orwellian censorship of President Donald Trump and conservatives during the election have already come true. Donation records may help explain the reason.

A recent study found that Facebook…

Kayla Sargent | November 4, 2020

Twitter delivered on its promise to censor tweets that it believed constitutes misinformation. Overall, the platform censored tweets from at least six conservatives’ verified accounts, including President Donald Trump. 

In five of…

Joseph Vazquez | March 31, 2020

Leftists with blue checkmarks on Twitter lost their minds when MyPillow CEO and Trump supporter Mike Lindell spoke about faith and his company’s plans to deal with the coronavirus in the White House Rose Garden.

Liberal MSNBC Anchor…

Corinne Weaver | March 25, 2020

Actor James Woods has run afoul of the Twitter sheriffs — again.

Sara Miller, his girlfriend, shared with Twitter on March 24 that her boyfriend had been locked out of Twitter, this time for sharing a picture of former Democratic…

Joseph Vazquez | February 17, 2020

Former President Barack Obama, touting his own economic magic wand, tried to take credit for the Trump economy.

Obama sent out the self-congratulatory tweet February 17. He said that, “Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the…