Philip Anderson
Case #

Individual deplatformed by Twitter, Facebook and Instagram now has GoFundMe removed: Free speech activist Philip Anderson organized a rally in San Francisco on Oct. 17 speaking out against BigTech censorship, at which time he was assaulted by a left-wing agitator. After documenting the attack on Twitter, Anderson was eventually suspended indefinitely from the platform following a coordinated attack by other users to get him kicked off of social media. An attack which included individuals celebrating and mocking the assault on him. Anderson’s Instagram account was later banned permanently as well and his Facebook account was temporarily banned. The Facebook suspension came after several of his posts, including two posts promoting his free speech rally, were flagged for violating Facebook’s “standards on dangerous individuals and organizations.” No one involved in stoking hatred and applauding violence against Anderson have been handed any consequences. Anderson, rather, has been hit with more sanctions from BigTech. One of Anderson's supporters, who set up a GoFundMe campaign to help pay for reconstructive surgery needed to fix Anderson's teeth that were heavily damaged during the assault, has had his campaign for Anderson removed by the platform. Anderson told The Post Millennial that GoFundMe provided no reason for eliminating the campaign.        

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