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The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed a major federal official in an ongoing quest to expose shady federal censorship actions.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) subpoenaed the Biden administration’s Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, according to a Thursday press release. Jordan is seeking records related to federal censorship efforts between the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and private companies, including non-profits or third-party entities. ODNI has yet to provide the committee with a single such document, Jordan’s release explained. As Jordan said on Real America’s Voice’s Just the News, No Noise, “We know that this was an effort by Big Government, Big Tech, Big Academia, Big Media, all to censor … Americans’ First Amendment free speech rights, primarily targeting conservatives.”

The House Judiciary Committee and its Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government continue to investigate anti-First Amendment federal government activity. This investigation, the press release noted, includes an effort “to gauge the extent to which ODNI officials have coerced, pressured, worked with, or relied upon social media and other tech companies to censor speech.”

Jordan said that other federal entities have provided some information to House Republicans, but not ODNI. “This is critically important,” insisted Jordan, addressing Just the News host John Solomon. “As someone in the press, you understand, [in] the First Amendment you have five fundamental liberties.” He added, “The most important one of those five is your right to talk, because if you can’t talk, you can’t practice your faith” or exercise any of the other First Amendment rights.

“Free speech is the most important,” Jordan emphasized. “And the censorship, particularly in the social media area, which is now the town square, is particularly troubling.”

The House Judiciary Committee explained that public information regarding the ODNI's Foreign Malign Influence Center — which assesses global threats and U.S. response, among other actions — indicates anti-free speech activity. The Judiciary Committee further declared that it possesses documentation proving ODNI personnel were invited to meetings that included representatives from both federal agencies and Big Tech companies. These were apparently often called “USG-Industry Sync” meetings, the press release clarified; and they possibly orchestrated censorship.

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