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Comedian Terrence K. Williams of “The Deplorables” comedy troupe, pleaded for help Friday amidst fears Twitter was targeting his account for his support of President Trump. A popular blue check conservative with over 600,000 followers, Williams received a legal warning from Twitter right before he was to go to the White House’s “Young Black Leadership Summit.”

A little after 2pm on October 4, Williams tweeted, “TWITTERS LEGAL TEAM CONTACTED ME ON THE DAY I GO TO THE WHITE HOUSE! People want to take my account down because I said Schiff Should Resign, called out AOC & I support Pres @realDonaldTrump I NEED YOUR HELP. Please RT & comment using #ProtectTerrencekWilliams @w_terrence” along with a video of him talking about it with an image of the Twitter legal notice.

“They are coming after Trump supporters,” he warned in the video. “2020 is around the corner and they are trying to take down accounts that support President Donald J. Trump. They are trying to take down big accounts like mine that support President Trump. Twitter’s legal team has contacted me to notify me that my account has been flagged for possible hate conduct because I made a video about how Adam Schiff should resign and how the Democrats should stop harassing President Donald J. Trump.”


He questioned the timing of the notice, noting, “The day that I go to the White House is the day that they notify me that my account may be in possible violations of hateful conduct... I am a conservative Trump-supporting comedian and they want to take me down because people have jumped on the Trump train after watching my content. They want to take people down who are getting people to walk away from the Democratic Party.”

“Supporting this president is not hateful,” he concluded.

According to the notice Williams posted on screen during the video, the Twitter legal team identified four tweets that had "been flagged for possible violations of Twitter's hateful conduct policy." "We are sending you this notification to allow you to evaluate the following reported content," the message said.

Any fair evaluation of the tweets will conclude they were not hateful. The first two were both sent at 6:18pm on October 2 simply replying to users who had used the hashtag #ResignAdamSchiff while retweeting a video of Williams reacting to the news that Schiff met with the whistleblower ahead of time and may have helped write the complaint:




3. At 8:48pm on October 2, Williams again posted the Schiff video with the message: “President Trump questioned if Schiff should be arrested for Treason. Schiff believes Trump is the only one who thinks that! @AdamSchiff I think you should be arrested for Treason! Who’s with Trump on this one? #ArrestAdamSchiffForTreason”

By the way, it must be said, if calling for the arrest of an elected official for treason violated Twitter’s policies on hateful conduct, there are millions of anti-Trump tweeters who need to be removed from the service immediately.

4. The last tweet at 9:21am October 4 said, “AOC’s CRAZY SUPPORTER A woman at @AOC's town hall said it was time for humans to #EatTheBabies as a way to stop climate change AOC did not stop this woman & didn’t condemn the idea of eating babies! The DEMOCRATS HAVE a PROBLEM” with a video of Williams watching the interaction incredulously and then wondering what in the world is going on.

It is unclear what next steps or consequences will be taken, as of filing time, Williams’ account and the reported Tweets were still publicly available.

To prevent any action by Twitter, Williams asked supporters to help protect his account by retweeting him and using the hashtag #ProtectTerrencekWilliams.
