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Woke Inc. author Vivek Ramaswamy reacted to a new MRC Free Speech America study by ripping Big Tech giant Google for manipulating search results to favor Democrats in highly contested senate races.

The Strive Asset Management executive chairman unleashed on Google during the Oct. 26 edition of Fox Business Tonight: “We hear alot about the threats to our democracy. Well, guess what! I think this is a big threat to our democracy,” he said. To give “one autocratic actor the chance to tilt the scales of what the public can and cannot see about the candidates that they’re asked to vote for in November” is a "threat to democracy.” 

The MRC found that Google buried 10 of 12 Senate Republican Party candidates’ campaign websites and highlighted their opponent's campaign sites in organic search results. It's worth noting that Google controls 92 percent of the search engine market share.

Ramaswamy went a step further and even speculated that Google may have violated campaign finance laws:

I personally think that there are grounds to even look at this as a campaign finance violation if you quantify the amount of value given to a candidate as an in-kind contribution for manipulating search results.



Fox Business financial correspondent Jackie DeAngelis summarized at the beginning of the segment that what Google was doing “could be considered election interference.” Seven of 12 Senate Republican Party candidates’ campaign websites that MRC analyzed did not appear on the first page of Google’s organic search results. Meanwhile, eight of 12 Senate Democratic Party candidate campaign websites were highlighted in the top six items in organic search results. 

A Backlinko SEO study showed that the top six Google search results get 74 percent of all clicks, making Google’s biased demotion of key Senate Republican campaign websites all the more nefarious. In addition, search engine optimization expert Brian Dean reported on Oct. 14 that less than 1 percent of “Google searchers clicked on something from the second page.”

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