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Hoover Institution Visiting Fellow Bjorn Lomborg joined Fox Business to discuss his recent op-ed lambasting President Joe Biden’s eco-extremist agenda.

Lomborg’s op-ed called Biden’s agenda “unrealistic” and “implausible.” Lomborg swatted down the assertion that climate policies make us “richer.” Biden’s “own [climate] summit showed the need for arm-twisting even just to make a few of the participants promise expensive new policies,” Lomborg wrote.

Lomborg told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow on April 23 that Biden was “promising twice as much reduction as what [former President Barack] Obama did.” He continued: “That’s not only going to be incredibly hard to do — and as you mentioned, it’s going to cause a lot of hardship in a lot of different ways — it’s also going to be fantastically expensive.” Lomborg assessed that Biden’s $2 trillion plan is equivalent to spending “$1,500 per person per year on climate.” Lomborg noted that “surveys show that people are not even willing to spend $20,$24 on it. That sets it up for not working out in the long run.” 

Lomborg then dismantled Biden’s unicorn climate fantasies. “You’re not going to solve global warming by simply making grand promises that you can’t afford and that won’t really make a difference. You’re going to solve it through innovation,” Lomborg said. “[I]t’s kind of surprising that we have this one area of the world — climate change — where you can just make promises worth trillions and not do a simple cost-benefit analysis on it.”



In addition, Lomborg accused Biden of trying to scare Americans over an “existential crisis” myth: “You’re scaring kids, and you're scaring everyone by telling them this is an existential crisis. No, it’s not. The UN Climate Panel does not tell us this is an existential crisis.”

Lomborg pointed out that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimated that if “we do nothing” by the 2070s, “the net impact” will only be the equivalent of the world population losing “0.2 and 2 percent of their income.” Lomborg added: “[B]y then, of course, we’ll be 363 percent as rich as what we are today. That’s the UN’s own estimate. So, instead of being 363 percent as rich, we’ll only be 356 percent as rich. That’s not an existential crisis.”

If all presidents for the next 70 years followed Biden in cutting emissions, Lomborg noted, “it will reduce temperatures trivially.” Lomborg said the reduction would only be a meaningless “0.07° Fahrenheit. And this is through the UN climate model. So, it’s going to be very hard. It’s going to be very costly. It’ll have virtually no impact.”

Lomborg concluded: “[Y]ou’ve never solved a problem in history by telling people, ‘Could you live with less?’ You were just talking about that. ‘Could you please — you know — celebrate your Fourth of July in a way you’d hate?’”

Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News (818-460-7477), CBS News (212-975-3247) and NBC News (212- 664-6192) and demand they report the truth about Biden’s climate agenda.