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It looks like one big-name businessman isn’t allowing the coronavirus to dim his hopes on America’s economic strength.

The Hillary Clinton supporter, billionaire Shark Tank star and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban stated in an economic-based interview on a Fox News podcast (Fox News Rundown) that “We've had a taste of socialism right now ... giving money and redistributing wealth ... that's okay.” But Cuban didn’t put his stock in socialism: “‘But, I think we are truly going to see the best of capitalism when we come out of the other side, because this is where people are going to be entrepreneurial,” referring to the coronavirus pandemic.

Fox News summarized the interview: “Offering a message of hope to entrepreneurs across the country, Cuban said he believes the pandemic will lead to the creation of ‘amazing companies’ and the development of new products ‘that will really change the world.'"


The development of new products, entrepreneurship, “'[t]hat’s what makes America different,” said Cuban. “That’s what makes us unique. We truly are a country of entrepreneurs. We have that spirit to go out and start companies, to be creative, to take risks.'”

Cuban wasn’t finished in his praise for America and its economic capabilities:

“‘There will be new products developed that really change the world,’ Cuban continued. ‘That's who we are as a country. And that's why, as bleak as it can seem right now, and is horrific and tragic ... we'll get to the other side, I'm 100 percent certain and we'll be different when we get there.’"

Cuban then pivoted to give a salute to American exceptionalism:

“'I truly believe in American exceptionalism,' he added. 'There's no other country in the world that's going to be able to figure out like we can, we'll use this opportunity, we'll use the situation.'"

Cuban conceded the fears arising from the pandemic, but reminded listeners about Americans’ resilience: “‘You can't not be fearful right now, but I think we'll bounce back.’”

“If the American dream was not alive and well until this point,” Fox News summarized, "‘it just truly got ignited,’ Cuban concluded.”
