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It must be difficult for CNN to admit President Donald Trump’s economy is remarkable after their obsession over his impeachment. Their latest poll shows a stunning result even the liberal outlet felt compelled to concede.

CNN reported on Dec. 20 that as the year 2019 closes, “the US economy earn[ed] its highest ratings in almost two decades” [emphasis added]. This, according to CNN, potentially boosts “President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year's election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.”

Specifics in the poll results showed that 76 percent of those polled “rate economic conditions in the US today as very or somewhat good, significantly more than those who said so at this time last year (67%)” [emphasis added].

CNN, in a stunning admission, stated that “This is the highest share to say the economy is good since February 2001, when 80% said so” [emphasis added].

Further results in the poll showed that 97 percent of Republicans said that “economic conditions are good right now,” along with 75 percent of Independents and 62 percent of Democrats.

CNN’s poll accounted for 888 registered voters with a margin of error plus or minus 4.0 percentage points.

Nearly seven in 10, according to CNN, “expect the economy to be in good shape a year from now (68%), the best outlook in CNN polling since December 2003” [emphasis added]. Furthermore, “63% who say things are good now and will continue to be good next year, while just 9% say the[] economy is currently good but will turn south in 2020.”

Moreover, the poll also showed that 55 percent (more than half) support the president’s latest United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Only 13 percent disapproved.


There’s recent data to suggest why this astronomical approval rating for the economy exists.

“Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 266,000 in November, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 3.5 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today” [emphasis added], according to a Dec. 6 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics News Release. “Notable job gains occurred in health care and in professional and technical services. Employment rose in manufacturing, reflecting the return of workers from a strike.”

CNBC called the jobs market results a “stellar performance,” and further noted that the “266,000” figure for November was “better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.” And CNN even admitted then that a “couple of generations of people have not seen this kind of unemployment rate."

A CNBC survey from earlier this month found that “Sixty percent of small business owners approve of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president.” The outlet also noted that this was “the highest approval rating number since CNBC and SurveyMonkey began its quarterly Small Business Survey in 2017” [emphasis added].

Liberal outlet Bloomberg News tweeted Nov. 17 that “The stock market seems to like Donald Trump more than any president since the 1950s,” and proceeded to place the president in fourth place behind former presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower.

One thing is for sure, the economy is roaring under the Trump presidency, and even an outlet as liberal as CNN felt compelled to admit it.

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