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CBS Evening NewsConservative influencers on Twitter decimated CBS News for attempting to gaslight Americans into believing that skyrocketing U.S. inflation is a result of the ongoing geopolitical crisis in Ukraine.

CBS News tweeted out a story on Feb. 22 with the caption, “The U.S. economy has been hit with increased gas prices, inflation, and supply-chain issues due to the Ukraine crisis.”

The ridiculous story, headlined “How the Ukraine crisis is already hitting Americans' wallets,” was just as absurd in its manipulation: “Although many Americans may prefer that the U.S. stay out of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the brewing violence and political fallout are already hurting their wallets.”

Conservative influencers saw through the blatant propaganda almost immediately and excoriated CBS News for it on Twitter. Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization, Donald Trump Jr., called CBS News’s Ukraine cover story “brazen insanity” and Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) asked Twitter to label CBS News’s tweet as “misinformation.”

Some also pointed to Biden’s leftist energy policies and hypocrisy in using the Ukraine crisis to cover up his own failures. Embarrassingly, CBS News’s tweet got heavily ratioed for spewing such transparent misinformation with a whopping 37,000 comments and only 5,576 likes at time of publication.


CBS Tweet Screencap


A famous conservative commentator for the Daily Wire, Matt Walsh, didn’t mince words about CBS News’s narrative-twisting to protect Biden. He tweeted: “These kinds of headlines aren’t doing much to allay suspicions that Biden is involving us in the Ukraine situation so that he can blame it for all of the problems that we already had[.]”) 

YouTuber Lauren Chen mocked CBS News for casting blame for bad policies here at home on the Ukraine crisis: “That time I forgot to do my homework in 8th grade was also due to the current situation in Ukraine[.]”) 

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec responded with a graph by the St. Louis Federal Reserve that depicted gas prices from July 2021 to now. Posobiec noted at the very far right end of the graph that the Ukraine crisis started this year, well after gas prices started to rise. 

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) petitioned Twitter to stop CBS News from posting “misinformation”: “@Twitter, I need you to label this tweet from @CBSNews as misinformation. Increased gas prices, inflation, and supply-chain issues already exist because of terrible economic policy from the Biden Administration.”

Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization Donald Trump Jr. also ripped CBS News for its propaganda, stating: “They're really trying to do this aren't they? I mean it's incredible. I don't know whether to be upset or impressed with the level of brazen insanity it takes to try to pull this off to run cover for Democrats. Issues plaguing us for a year due to 2 weeks of turmoil in Ukraine!"

Conservatives are under attack. Contact CBS News at (212) 975-3247 and demand it stop covering for the Biden Administration’s disastrous energy policy and gaslighting Americans on high gas prices, inflation, and supply-chain issues.